Thorsten Nesch

- Storyteller -


I record & release my songwriter music regularly as singles on all streaming platforms – here are the major ones:

On Apple iTunes CLICK HERE

As EPs on Bandcamp CLICK HERE

In “Cheers – 20 years 140 songs” you find all my lyrics (2000 to 2020) plus an anecdote to each song, some original handwritten first versions and a few artifacts. Here is the PDF file free to download: Cheers – 20 years 140 songs by Thorsten Nesch

Some great playlists that feature my music:

Musical collaborations in the past with ambient musician Max Wuerden and also with The Randy Walkdie Trio (on Bandcamp).

1995 to 1998 in band Auricularis & Nesch (A&N), album “Live im Underground, Cologne”, 1998.

© 2024 Thorsten Nesch

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