Thorsten Nesch

- Storyteller -

Novels & Audiobooks

“Lethbridge 2112” – a dystopian freedom of choice (400 pages). Lethbridge in the year 2112, Arthur faces a life or death decision, and then he runs into Minna in this grey world, where colors are to expensive, and the food comes from the kitchen tap … To read a sample, please visit Amazon. Or visit the “Dystopian” Playlist on my Youtube Channel Flash Fiction Film where I am adapting scenes from the novel.

CBC Books “Have to read YA novels Fall 2019 – Chanda is a seventeen-year-old schoolgirl in Harare, Zimbabwe, who suffers from unexplained memory lapses, which become even more worrisome when she starts seeing her totem animal, a zebra, in all sorts of places. But nobody else can see it.

The novel I wrote with my Zimbabwean colleague Blessing Musariri – read the beginning or order in all bookstores or on Amazon 

PARIS, CALGARY, the chapbook of poems & photos, published by Loft on Eighth, Calgary, AB, 2019 – the poems revolve around the apartment building Paris in Calgary 1998/99. You can buy it at Loft on Eighth in Calgary.

I AM YOU AM I – Teenage body switch comedy +++ Rich good looking girl switches body with poor underdog and hobby boxer. And in 3 days she has to fly to Singapore… You can start reading on or

Or as Audiobook narrated/performed by US actor Kasi Hollowell: Free on Audible in a 1-month trial!

FOR A SPIN: A ROAD MOVIE NOVEL – Tariq and and Jessie “borrow” a car for a short joyride. They want to feel free – just once. But they choose the wrong car. A Mafia car. +++ The film rights to this novel are sold +++ You can start reading on or

LET’S ROB THE COPS – If police stations were safer than banks, you’d store bigger sums of money in them too. That’s logical, right? – In the world of four small time criminals it is. You can start reading in or

GROLAR – A young couple moves with their child to a gold claim near Whitehorse. Soon after a grolar bear (half Grizzly half Polar bear) prowls the camp. You can start reading in & on

Or as Audiobook narrated by former Chicago radio host Chuck Buell: Free on Audible in a 1-month trial:…ACX0_115866_rh_us

THE LOCOMOTIVE – A stock broker and a war veteran wake up underneath the rubble of a derailed train. The catastrophe happened near the coast and they are lying on the bottom of the sea. – You can read the beginning on & on

Or as audiobook narrated by American actor Charles Kahlenberg: On Audible for free in the 1 month trial:…ACX0_097611_rh_us

SCHOOL SHOOTER – During a school shooting a group of students hides in the library, but as it turns out on of them must be the shooter… – You can read the beginning on & on

P u b l i c a t i o n s

(below only German novels / bis hier alles deutschsprachige Romane)


GROLAR – halb Grizzly, halb Eisbaer (Horror Roman zuvor im Weltbild Verlag, nun selbstverlegt) zum Roman auf Amazon

DIE LOKOMOTIVE (verfilmt in Kanada, Hoerspiel produziert von Johannes Steck, gefoerdert von der Film & Medien Stiftung NRW, zuvor im Weltbild Verlag, nun selbstverlegt) zum Roman auf Amazon

DER STUMMFILMPIANIST, Roman, selbst – auch als Hörbuch gesprochen von Ilja Rosendahl, hier bei Audible zum reinhören und kostenlos im Test-Abo

JOHNNY BURDON, Roman, selbst

DER DROHNENPILOT, novel, Mixtvision Verlag, Munich
DIE WEIHNACHTSMANNFALLE, Kinderbuch, Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek

BUSTER, KÖNIG DER SUNSHINE COAST, Roman, Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek

WIR ÜBERFALLEN DIE POLIZEI, Roman, Neobooks, Frankfurt (self published)
UNBEKANNT VERZOGEN, Jugendroman, Neobooks, Frankfurt (self published)

VERKEHRT, Jugendroman, Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek
ALS SICH GOTT DAS LEBEN NAHM, Roman, Epubli, Berlin (self published)
EIN DREHBUCH FÜR GÖTZ, Roman, K.Flenter & T.Nesch, Satyr-Verlag, Berlin,

HELDEN – ODER WARUM KOMETEN NICHT AUF IDAHO STÜRZEN, Sachbuch, Epubli, Berlin (self published)
FLIRREN, Roman, Epubli, Berlin (self published)

SCHOOL SHOOTER, Jugendroman, Kindle Amazon (self published) war Nummer 1 in seinen Kindle Charts

Der Roman wurde als Hörspiel umgesetzt vom WDR 1Live Plan B und wiederholt ausgestrahlt

JOYRIDE OST, Jugendroman, Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek

– WINTER IM PARIS, poetry & photography, Edition Roadhouse, Hannover (sold out)

– WILLKOMMEN IM PARIS, poetry & photography, Edition Roadhouse, Hannover (sold out)

– GEBROCHEN DEUTSCH, poetry, self published (sold out)

– BIZARIA GERMANIA, poertry & short stories, self published (sold out)

Since 1989
First self published poems and short stories and first live readings.
Meanwhile over 1,500 readings (Germany, Denmark, Netherlands (by the Goethe Institute), Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Irleand, Canada) and on two Mediterranean cruise ships

T r a n s l a t o r (English – German)

– the diary of Indian poet Rajula Shah for project AKSHAR for the Goethe Institut and the Literaturhäuser during the Frankfurt Bookfair

– KEINE ZUKUNFT OHNE VERGEBUNG, non fiction book by peace nobel prize winner Bishop Desmond Tutu (orig: No Future Without Forgiveness), Patmos Verlag, Düsseldorf

– Interview article with Robert Creeley for German literature zine „S.U.B.H.“

– Translation reader for Czech author Jachym Topol

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