Thorsten Nesch

- Storyteller -

Editing with ProWritingAid

Okay, I am getting a little quiet – but it is editing time, and editing is less about action but more about concentration and being focused. Translating that into photos or words is harder than – let's say – a research trip into the mountains.

Maybe this interests you: I work not only with non-fiction books during my writing process, during editing I consult a software called “ProwritingAid”. Big name, I know, but it gives me a very objective insight into parts of my writing, a lot of facts and data. Nerdy yes, useless no.

For example category “Unknown words”. Could be, I misspelled words.

No, not in this case. Lethbian is a way to say you are from Lethbridge, Pfh I will change Pah, the other 3 words are part of the world in my novel.

The sentence length. Even in comparison with one of the heavy weights of writing. I am fine with that, the high % of short sentences is due to my dialogue-laden narrative style.

Sentence variety also looks good to me. Believe me, sometimes you are getting a surprise.

61% dead on course to be published... hahaha, but by now you probably know I am working and writing in my second language, so there are things I could easily overlook, or they could feel correct during the writing process; I just appreciate to double-check myself.

These are just 4 out of over 100 checks you can do with prowritingaid. I probably come back with another blog post about editing. This takes months.

By the way I am not getting paid for this sort of review by the manufacturer (the app is not free) and I won't post a link here, you can find the software yourself if you are curious. And if you want to thank me for the tip, please, feel free to purchase one of my books or music albums.

As always thanks for following my journey here. All the best for 2022!


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