Thorsten Nesch

- Storyteller -

Watching Clouds Disappear

Recharging means for me trying to think myself empty, making room for new ideas and perspectives.

Lying under a blue sky is a great way—sky with clouds is even better, something happens all the time, but not too much, or too fast.

I did this where ever I lived or visited, and I certify: Alberta's Big Sky os one of the best places in the world to watch clouds disappear.

Ideas hit me as they come, hard to control, only when I sit down for the novel and I am in the zone other ideas (and the world in general) is blocked out. As soon I get up other ideas come. It can look this way: a span of 2 days:
1st line was turned into a song, line 2 into a poem, line 3 into a song for JENNY HAS TRAFFIC from the novel, and line 4 is an idea for an Alberta transferred cover version of the Tragically Hip song, and of course underneath notes for News in my novel.

Things are getting real in the novel when you stroll down 13th Street North in Lethbridge—in the year 2112.

Still, at any given time in my novel, due to the way I plan it, I have different options for my story to get from point A to point B. I can take the paved path, short cuts or the stony way. For me there the only way is the mix and the right rhythm of all the above.

Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoyed the glimpse into my life.
For daily live updates, pics and short videos you can follow me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook under @thorstennesch.

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  1. Bev muendel-Atherstone June 6, 2021

    Your description of watching clouds disappear is exactly the zen plain that I have found since I was a child. It heals all woes and makes our problems small. I find that just before I sleep as I review the day deep thoughts appear. It’s when the mind is free from interruptions that it finds its own reflection.

    • author July 1, 2021 — Post author

      You put it better in words than me! – Without those moments how can one find out what one really wants and needs? – and even that will be instrumentalised in the novel.

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